Wind Rush




Create a Horse



Welcome To Wind Rush
Wind Rush is a BRAND NEW virtual horse game. It was started on Jan. 25 2003. I am hoping to keep it active too so keep playing!
No Updates at this time! Still Makin the site!
The Breed of the Month is: The Paint Horse!
Please Email me with your pick for next months horse

If you need to Reach Kellie:
If you need the reach me at any time please feels free to email me. Please make the subject: Wind Rush or Wind Rush Help
E-mail Me

Please STAY ACTIVE!!!!!
Wind Rush is going to be an awsome horse fun game but please if you want to play stay active!

Trilly and Krystalyn
This is Krystalyn and her horse Trilly at a show. Trilly is a 19 y/o Quarter Horse X Arab. She is a flea-bitten grey. Krystalyn says she has a spot that is in the shape of a perfect heart!
Send me your horses pic!

Copy Right 2003